Yesterday was a very long day, but not necessarily in a bad way. I got up early and got ready for school, and headed into the city early, grabbing a tea and hanging out in the Library going over the readings before class. I have figured out that I'm really going to enjoy this semester of classes, especially seeing my professor's views on certain American customs and past (political) actions. I've learned (especially in my political science class), not to get offended with some of the jokes about America that they tend to say, and in actual reality they are kind of funny. Even though my professor has smart comments to say, they still respect our country greatly and make sure to acknowledge that fact. Either way, it's definitely entertaining.
Last night, for the first time, I had a dinner that wasn't necessarily my 'cup of tea.' I've been very good at not being picky, especially because I never eat ham or pork when I'm in the states, but realized that its a big staple in the Danish diet. Dinner last night however, was veal and pork meatballs boiled in water with curry sauce served over white rice. I was able to get down enough bites to be polite, but it wasn't on my list of favorites (although it was probably just the fact that it was baby cow and if I hadn't known, I'd have probably liked it). Sooner or later I had to run into something I didn't particularly love anyway. I did find out there are three types of chicken you can eat in Denmark though- the hen, the rooster, and the chick. I learned the other day that the lunchmeat I've been eating on my sandwich (known to me as general chicken) is the third option. That one definitely caught me off guard, but luckily they have a pretty big supply of lachs (salmon) that I've been making sandwiches for lunch out of too, and I'm sure i'll get over it and keep eating it anyway.
Today will be my first day of volunteering at Studenterhuset and I can't be more excited!
Til imorgen!
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